This program is for the injured Athlete. One of my roles with the Galaxy was to rehab all of the injuries on our team from the moment they pulled a muscle for example, til the moment they stepped back on the field for their first minutes. We call this process Return to Play.
The best way to describe the rehab process is this: Think of an old school video game, you have levels, in the beginning they're relatively easy and as you go you have to pass a test to move on to the next level and the levels get harder as they go. Same here, each level will get progressively harder but you'll see the progress the entire way as each level builds on top of the work you just did previously. Once you pass all stages of my Return to Play, you'll feel confident in your ability again.
1. Motor Control and Balance
2. Stability and Mobility
3. Dynamic Movement
4. Strength and Plyometrics
5. Running and Sprinting (only if needed for older adults)
Once you're safely able to run and safely perform all athletic movements without pain, We'll utilize data to safely prescribe the right amount of fitness and running to do in order to safely prepare the athlete for their practices and games.